Nokia 473098A AMIA AirScale Subrack Feb 10, 2023


AirScale System Module

This baseband module NOKIA AMIA 473098A is designed to be agile and enable long-term network evolution. The in-node modularity of the AirScale System Module is key to lean entry and decoupled scalability of the compute power for radio access network layers 1, 2, and 3 and integrated transport functionality – essential for the rapidly changing traffic requirements of new use cases and deployment scenarios of the 5G era.

The AirScale System Module simplifies 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G Single RAN deployments, streamlines multi-band sites and powers multi-site baseband hotels.

The concept of in-node scalability through addition and coexistence of Single RAN plug-in cards for base and high capacity requirements optimizes total cost of ownership (TCO). Plugging-in the latest cards, when and where additional frequency layers or network densification demand the extra capacity, ensures access to the latest high-performance, energy efficient technology, while maximizing the use phase of the installed base.

Nokia AMIA 473098A

ESMB 472109A.101 472109A.102 Flexi Multiradio System Module(18TRX) Base Station

ESMC 472059A.101 472059A.102 Flexi Multiradio System Module(36TRX) Base Station

FXDA 472083A.101 472083A.102 472083A.203 472083A.X51 Flexi Multiradio RF Module(900MHz 18TRX) Base Station

FXEA 472084A.101 472084A.102 472084A.203 Flexi Multiradio RF Module(1800MHz 18TRX) Base Station

FHDA 472132A.102 472132A.203 Flexi Remote Radio Head(900MHz 12TRX) Base Station

Nokia AMIA 473098A Flexi Remote Radio Head Base Station

FHEA 472084A.101 472168A.102 472084A.203 Flexi Remote Radio Head(1800MHz 12TRX) Base Station

FAN Assy 084594A.106 Fan Unit Base Station

ESMA 470246A.102 470246A.103 470246A.104 470246A.105 470246A.106 System Module Base Station

ESEA 470330A.102 470330A.103 470330A.104 470330A.105 System Extension Module Base Station

FIEA 470247A.102 E1 Transmission Sub-module Base Station

471007A.105 Flexbus Transmission Sub-module Base Station

FIPA 470248A.101 470248A.102 470248A.103 E1/T1 Transmission Sub-module Base Station

EXDA 470216A.101 470216A.102 470216A.103 Dual TRX Module(1800MHz) Base Station

EXDB 472045A.101 472045A.102 472045A.103 472045A.104 Dual TRX Module(1800MHz EDGE) Base Station

EXGA 470215A.101 470215A.102 470215A.103 Dual TRX Module(900MHz) Base Station

EXGB 472044A.101 472044A.102 472044A.103 Dual TRX Module(900MHz EDGE) Base Station

EWDA 470256A.101 Wideband Combiner Sub-modules(1800MHz) Base Station

EWDB 471493A.101 471493A.102 Wideband Combiner Sub-modules(1800MHz) Base Station

EWGA 470255A.101 Wideband Combiner Sub-modules(900MHz) Base Station

EWGB 471492A.101 471492A.102 471492A.105 Wideband Combiner Sub-modules(900MHz) Base Station

ERDA 470253A.101 470253A.102 Dual Duplexer Module(1800MHz) Base Station

ERGA 470250A.101 470250A.102 Dual Duplexer Module(900MHz) Base Station

EOCA 471576A.101 Optical Converter Module Base Station

ECDA 470260A.101 Remote Tune Combiner Module(1800MHz) Base Station

ECGA 470258A.101 Remote Tune Combiner Module(900MHz) Base Station

FPAA 470140A.101 470140A.102 470140A.204 Flexi Power AC-DC Sub-Module Base Station

FPBA Flexi Power Battery Sub-Module Base Station

FPDA 470067A.102 Flexi Power DC/DC 24V Module Base Station

FSEB 471424A.202 471424A.203 471424A.304 Flexi System External Alarm Module Base Station

FSEC Flexi System External OVP Base Station

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